Crystal Cake, 5 x 7, Gouache & Ink, 2009

Tree House, 2.375 x 5, Relief Print, 2009
All you need to do to for a chance to win is leave a comment. (You must comment on THIS blog post to be eligible for a prize.) Can't think of anything to post??? Tell me your favorite hideout as a kid...mine would have been my tree house. (BIG surprise right!)
I will randomly select three winners and post them on February 15th.
If you are a winner all I need is your address and you'll receive your winning artwork in the mail!
It's been a pretty good 25 years so far and thank you for your support!
Have a splendid 25th, Nicole. I hope it is a fantastic day for you.
Your art continues to enthrall us.
Favorite hiding place? For hide and seek, it was the dryer until my brother turned it on while I was in it. Otherwise, I found lots of solace at the local library, in the tree in our front yard, and on the tennis courts early in the morning.
Happy Birthday to you! (It's a few days early, but still counts, right?) I have been a lurker on your blog for some time now and just love your art and style.
My favorite hiding place as a kid? Well it wasn't a tree house, but close, a play house. My dad was very creative and built us a play house out of old tables. Doesn't sound like much - but it was extremely cool to his three little girls :)
P.S. I hope I win, I hope I win ;)
Happy Birthday!
I was always hiding in closets. A fun place to jump out at unsuspecting family members or to curl up for a hidden nap.
Hey Nicola! Marcy here.... Happy Birthday - what a great day for a birthday! My favorite hiding place was a fort the neighbor kids and I built. It was hidden well behind a neighbor's house in what seemed like an endless forest. We spent day after day.... there and never wanted to go home at night. Hope your day is extra special!!
HAPPY BDAY!!! We use to squash some cat tails over a marsh and had a network of tunnels and secret rooms. Best thing, is grown up couldn't go in because they weighed too much.
Hi! I had lost track of your blog for a bit...so glad you posted it on FB. Happy (early) Birthday! Thanks for sharing your work on your blog.
Happy early birthday to you! You're watercolors are splendid and you have an amazing talent.
I would love to see any butterfly portraits you may have.
Wish you a happy birthday Nicole!
As always, these three givaway pieces are amazing. Just love your art and style.
P.S. Keep my fingers crossed, I hope I win ^_^
Happy Birthday Nicole! I really love the Valentine items you have in the Etsy shop! Hope we win and that you have a fabulously decadent birthday!
Happy Birthday soon....
I'm hoping for second because that painting looks delicious.
-- look at all the people who follow your blog (GO YOU)
Couldn't hide anywhere - my sisters would always seem to find me!
Holy moly! I love that 1st place Watercolours piece!
It would look so good with that piece you sent me last week! On an unrelated note, my WORD VERIFICATION for this comment is "OUTATIE". I kind of like the sound of that word.
How can it be that I am more than half your age yet not have a teeny little fraction of your talent? Sigh. I guess I at least convinced you to read "Watership Down"...didn't I?
Have a wonderful birthday Nicole!
ng, happy hiding places.
my favorite hiding place as a young person was in the crawl space in my closet of an old Victorian home I grew in, exactly like the closet in your room that leads to the attic.
happy birthday 25
thank you for all your hard work
love angela
Happy Birthday Nicole - Was really taken by your display of art this evening at the Evening for Art Lovers event. A special memory I have of a secret place - is under the cover of alders surrounded by ferns sitting on moss covered boulders of serpentine rock with the gurgling sound of Indian Creeek in the background.
Beautiful, beautiful work! I'm glad to have discovered your site!
Happy birthday!
My favorite spot as a kid was a little nook under the steps leading to our basement. It was a magical little getaway.
All best!
zenzart at hotmail dot com
I was just introduced to your art last night at the graham gallery, It is great! Happy birthday!
HaPPy birth-DAY weekend Nicole !!! your presence in Hastings is a gift to all of us ..... and you open my eyes often to worlds beyond the common ,,,,,
favorite place as a kid ??
the river.
the platte to be exact .... just south of our home in north platte. i would bolt out the sliding glass doors and within 200 feet be surrounded by endless cornfields that would scrap & crinkle against the race to the water .... once there i was transported to a solitary island, forgotten paradise or a lone hideout where i could walk & explore for hours & hours. it grew to include alot of my friends over the years, where we would all congregate to romp & tease & pretend our childhood days under the big blue nebraska sky ..... thanks for the nudge into that place today and
happy birthday !
I really like the picture of the cake, it makes me hungry. I hope you have a great birthday and do something special.
Lilly Chocholousek Jacobsen
Wow, I really like your artwork. I hope to fill my house with it someday!
Happy Birthday!
Michael Jacobsen
we had this great treehouse in the front yard. it was an old catalpa tree with lopped off limbs--ugly! planks were nailed to the trunk and the platform was cradled in the center of the tree like an upturned palm. best part was the large old black rat snake usually curled up under the platform. we would come face-to-face on the way up or down. he/she would poke out her tongue and we would respectfully just keep moving--slowly!
oh, to be 25 again! what a great age to be, so much life ahead of you----wishing you a very happy bd.
my favorite hiding place was in the barn------animals, the smell of hay and a good book!
Happy birthday Nicole! Favorite hiding place as a kid was inside the willow tree in Kris' backyard or in the forts we would build with blankets on our swingset.
Dream hiding place would be in any of the beautiful fantasy worlds you create.
Hello Nicole,
Happy 25th Birthday! Just so you know I don't have any of your artwork yet hanging in our home.
My favorite hiding place was at my grandparents house in Southern West Virgina. When my grandfather quit raising chickens my cousins & I used the old chicken coop as our secret clubhouse. Then there was also a closet in a hallway that we told all the younger cousins that they would not be able to come out if they ever went in there so you can guess that we hid there a lot.
trying this again to come forth and not be anon.
i am the one who like to hide in the barn!!!
Thank you for your comments! Winners are posted on the newest blog post. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Hi Nicole,
Had a busy weekend and first of the week and just got a chance to check the blog. Sorry I missed the give away fun, thanks for doing this.
Hope you had a happy quarter century birthday, and best wishes for many, many more.
We enjoy your artistic talent every day..........
We love your work and YOU!!!!
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