Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Intaglio Printmaking Class!

Brilliant Bloom Cave, 4"x5", Intaglio Etching and Aquatint, 2008

I am teaching an Intaglio class starting October 29th. Below is the class description!

Intaglio is a historically rich medium known for its beautiful line quality and broad value ranges. Students will learn how to manipulate the plate surface and print images in multiples. A variety of intaglio techniques will be explored including dry point, etching, aquatint, and collagraph. All skill levels are welcome.
Class #PRT-02 Wed., Oct. 29-Dec. 10, 6:30-9pm (no class Nov. 26)
Instructor: Nicole Gustafsson
Tuition: $160 (Lux Members $144) Copper plates will be available for purchase. Students supply their own paper.

Contact the Lux Center if your interested in taking this class!!!


  1. I want to come! Great print - I really do want to learn that tonal technique.
    Hope all is well. Will you be around the saturday post christmas?
    Miss you --

  2. I think we will still be in Norfolk at that point, unless we make a shotgun effort to go to my parents too.
