Monday, March 23, 2009

Terrarium Town

Terrarium Town, 11.75 x 23.75, Gouache and ink on wood, 2009.

Here is another new one. I've been experimenting more with metallic paints so the background wall pattern shimmers as the light hits it. One of my friends showed me how to make terrariums and got me hooked. (The secret to success is in the soil!)


  1. I love that terrariums are the trend now. So friendly and warm. There is one sitting on my coffee table, and there is a whooooooole bed of moss outside my apartment that I plan to harvest before I move in April.

  2. Ohhh, moss! How lovely...I can't ever find any decent moss around where I live so I just stick with succulent plants.

    Happy moss harvesting!
