Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Happy New Year!

Between the snow, the holiday traveling and more snow, I took a mini break from my blog. But have no fear...there's lots more art in the New Year!

Library, 20 x 28, Gouache & Ink on paper, 2009

To kick it off here's a commission I finished up just in time for Christmas. Requested was a library painting to go in their new home library. I love library's so it was quite a pleasure.

Doing this piece I was thinking about my connections to books. So far I've worked at the Hastings College Perkins Library, worked in-house design for Nebraska Book Company, and seem to pick up a new book whenever I go out. Perhaps sometime soon I can add my own illustrated book to the mix.

1 comment:

  1. very cool picture, the atmosphere looks very inviting

    -kelli jacobsen
