Monday, March 29, 2010

Plants + Art weekend

This weekend was filled with plants and art. The fresh spring air reminded me to give a little tlc to my plants. A few didn't make it through the winter...due to cat attacks or over watering + getting burnt at the same time (anyone else have that issue?). One of my favorite desert roses was the one that I was most sad over loosing. Serves me right for moving it to a different spot in my room! (Plants can be quite opinionated you see and I wasn't listening.)

Here is a little terrarium that I did. (I commandeered the bottle from my roommate.) We'll see how he does. I put a little too much dirt/charcoal/rocks in the bottom so there's not a whole lot of room to grow up!

A little sneak peek of a portrait I'm doing in oil. Here's the drawing on panel. Next step paint!

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