Thursday, June 03, 2010


 Snap Dragon's & Spider Mums, 11x22, Gouache & Ink on Wood, 2010

I discovered that I really enjoy fresh flowers. The only drawback is that so does my cat. He was gobbling up flower petals before I could draw them! I went to the florist twice to select my flowers for my still life and I think picking out flowers is like picking out candy...I wanted to take home one of everything.

This piece is for the "Food & Drink" show at Red Cloud Opera House Gallery. As I was working on this piece I kept remembering a painting at my grandma's house that was done by my great grandfather. I think it had an orange in it, blue vase & flowers, and I remember there was a letter (Not sure if it was an open letter or an envelope). I'll have to take another look when I'm there...but it made me smile to think of that painting as worked.

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