Monday, May 30, 2011

Pick a Door...

Pick a Door, 7 x 10 inches, Gouache & Ink on paper, 2011

Finished up a new painting this weekend. This one was inspired by a little about indecision....not the serious kind of decision making, but more like routes to choose concerning what type of snack to have or what color flip-flops...the fun kind of decisions.

This original painting "Pick a Door" is available for purchase in my Etsy Store.

Hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend. I read a book a day and it was wonderful, I feel like I enrolled in the local library summer reading program like when I was in grade school!


  1. Your trees are wonderfull, I love it.
    And Mario an Link in a botle, great.

  2. Thank you for your kind words Cepe!

    I checked out your blog and you have a wonderful style and color scheme in your work!
