Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bad Robot show at Gallery 1988 (west)

When asked to participate in the Bad Robot show at Gallery 1988, I knew right away that I wanted to depict Lost. It came out when I was in college and it was a weekly event for my friends to get back to the dorm and watch the latest episode of Lost. I dropped off after a few seasons, but recently watched show in it's entirety on Netflix. Needless to say when it was over, I had a "whaaa?" moment and had to get on the Lost forums and try to figure out the ending.

Live Together, Die Alone
9 x 9.5 image size
Gouache, ink, on paper
©Nicole Gustafsson 2013

I decided to feature Jack and Vincent (the dog) because of how the show ended, but I think of all the characters I really like Hurley the best. I loved how all this crazy stuff was happening in the show and he was still a pretty upbeat guy.

The Bad Robot show opens this Friday, April 26th at Gallery 1988 (West).  
Check it out in person and the entire show will be online after the opening. 


  1. This was my favorite art work of the Bad Robot show. Will you have this available as a print sometime in the future?

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for checking out the show. I didn't originally have plans to do a print of the piece, but I've gotten quite a few requests so it is something that I am looking into. Thanks! NIcole

  3. Hi Dennis,

    The gallery and I teamed up to create a print of this Lost piece. It is currently available at Gallery 1988:

    Thank you for your interest!
