Monday, April 08, 2013

Glow in the Dark show at Bottleneck Gallery

This Friday is the opening to When the Lights go Out - a glow in the dark show at Bottleneck gallery in Brooklyn, NY. I love the idea of an image that is revealed in the dark, really wish I could see this exhibit in person!

Here is my piece for the show. I had never used any type of glow in the dark paint before, but I did a little research online and found the shop GloNation online that has glow paints in various colors. (traditional green has the longest glow time, but I really liked the aqua blue color so I went with that one). I also picked up a lovely purple that I want to try on another piece sometime.

The idea for this piece was this ghost procession going through a sleepy town at night. The residents there may or may not know about their ghostly visitors, but sometimes see glowing footprints in the morning. 

The ghosts and cat (complete with paw prints), and the tree buds all glow in the dark. I had to use several layers of the glow paint to make it really stand out in the dark, but overall I was really happy with the paint. I had a really hard time photographing the glow, but my guy has a good photo tent setup and got this image for me.

Here's the flyer for the show. The gallery is all rigged with black lights. If you are interested in a preview check out Bottleneck Gallery's facebook page on Thursday for the time and link for the advance preview.

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