Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Pax Prime 2013 Recap

I've been a bit quiet on the blogger front lately, so much going on! Between preparing to move, getting ready for art shows, things have been interesting busy lately. So I'm going to backtrack a little and recap a little what's been going on. First up, our yearly trip to PAX PRIME in Seattle in August. (Sorry for the poor photo quality, all I had was my phone for the trip and, so yeah it's mostly instagrams)

PAX is the Penny Arcade Expo and brings gamers, board game enthusiasts, and fellow nerds to bask in the gaming community. 

 There are so many people that there's pretty much a line like this most places. But people are polite and sometimes you make a new friend just standing in line.

I love the colors on this art installation. It was by the hotel where we were staying, so I got to say "hi" to it often.

This is the first time I've had someone make a design in my hot chocolate, I almost cute!

Nintendo lived it up this year with the displays. Love this one with the Pikimin. I went to join their adventure.

Nintendo is also re-releasing Windwaker in HD. They had this sweet boat that you could get in and get your picture taken. I did that but I looked so dorky, that I later went and got a shot of just the boat.

One of the highlights for me was going to the Fangamer X Attract Mode show, where I contributed an Animal Crossing inspired print. I got to meet some fellow artists that I've only known online so that was pretty sweet. It was a packed full event and we left to make way for more people, but not before buying a few prints that were there.

Some more artwork from the Fangamer X Attract mode show. 

I was also pumped to see my "Flora of the Kingdom" print available at the Fangamer merch booth. (This print is also available online at Fangamer).

We always like to explore new Gluten-free places to eat (my guy has an allergy), so we were super excited to find Biscuit B*tch with a whole gluten-free menu. I have to say that my taste buds miss their food, highly recommend it for gluten-free or non allergy eaters alike for a tasty breakfast.

It is also a tradition every time I'm in Seattle to go to the market area to a shop that specializes in Mexican handcrafted items and art. I picked up this cat...she was meowing to come home with me.

So much of this trip we didn't photograph, but my guy also got to demo and play-test his new card game Duelist. We also got super sucked into the whole pin trading thing for Pinny Arcade. I found that the pin trading aspect to PAX this year was a great way to meet new people and introduce yourself, it was a nice way to break the shyness barrier I guess. Also was great to talk to the Strip Search artists (recent comic contest/online show), and Matt got quite a few sketches from the artists.

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